Howdy gals, it's Christmas Day and since many people enjoyed the idea of Dee, I'm posting today a galore of blogs. So that way I can properly thank and sponsor for the ones that agreed to this treat. I'll post them in no particular order - but to me, anyway so I can make some sense -
Now pay attention gals, this is important you know!
Anyway here it comes a great enticing and gorgeous feast to your eyes.
Deelusions of Grandeur: Dee-lusions of Grandeur
If you really are looking for witty humor, have some sense of taste and intelligent life inside your brain, you'll adore Dementia and her "deemeanor". See every lovely word comes with a D, from Dee... And if you happen to like it ditzy and love your intelligent life be out of the play then you'll love her funny side DeeDee, which doesn't come out much in her blog, or it woud a total disaster. Yes I'm talking BIMBO now!
Well that one was for me soooo, no wrong I'll comment another one. I'm not made of latex only... Yet.
By the way... Dee has sooooo many captions, that It takes a large amount of time to enjoy it fully. So make sure to pack on a vacation (like now for example)
*Whooopsies* Tis one is about DeeDee not Dementia!
So why did I choose this caption as a show and tell option?
I choose this caption, because I really enjoy a caption where you can have many readings and people will explore it with their imagination. The clueless type leaves a good portion to that. If you can capture that moment and have a good story, then you'll have a great caption. Usually this will leave to great conversations whenever she has questions or discussions see more "D". Great!
As final words I can say that I learned a good chunk of english - like the word Zinger. which I never ever heard of before - and comprehension as well as Pop Culture, which she also do that to you. Lately she adds great music videos too!
Jennifer: Jennifer's TG caps of Defiance
So what can I say of Jennifer? Well I once said this to her: The bad end girl
In fact Jennifer is like a mix of sweetness and wickedness that I love of her sooo much. Often with a great sense of taste and with her ideal gal as Mila Kunis. That in the end, you'll see Mila Kunis and you'll think of Jennifer. She's great at doing hypno play and submission caps, she can totally rock a mistress cap, but she excels even more in being a good sub.
That would Jennifer for you... The one tied and asking her mistress for attention and spanking
Annabelle Raven-Hyde: Family Tradition: TG Stories and Caps
This one is kind of funny. I don't know how, but I ended up adopted by Annie, which was way, way before me or many of us. So once again pack some time because this will take you from 2009 or before up to date. She started to adopt the Hyde mark when Evie thought of her as her mom, and from the is all a great story, filling with a great bunch of captioners and I think is kind of funny to be related to so many of them in such a short time!
She's sultry and she know it
She's cute writing stories and I love it
She knows how to write a hot story too!
And finally she goes over the taboo with an exquisite taste to make you say: MOM what are you doing?!!!
You'll find that and much more in her blog, so make sure to check it out!
Anne or Leeanne know what she likes and if you somehow ends up in her blog, you'll know that you like it too! Her entire blog is an Ode to Cock and to the sissy. It's hard to find a caption, but I finally found one that would meet my tastes *giggle*
Like you didn't expect it... right?
She's in fact more of a writer than a captioner, and she knows her game pretty well in fictionmania where you find her too! With a very long not yet ended story that grows and grows whenever she feels like. Her blog is more like musings, rather than your regular TG blog, but like I said, if you like it go for it!
With an over complicated name for a blog, you'll find here yet more stories, and photomanips as well as news with anything related to fashion and latex.
With his own made up from scratch talent, you can find many stories like this one and others related from the sissy point of view to the mistress one. From Andy to Amanda, is really fun to read it all. Plus he/she has a great taste choosing the imagery and creating it.
Lovers of the nylon world, you are in for a good treat today. She started a few days back, but she's on the good track to create a great blog.
This is a good show of what you find it in here. So make sure to start following her!
And finally but not least important I give you:
What to say of Caitlyn that won't end up like a girlfan excuse to praise her... Not that impossible, because she knows her alley really too well. Plus with an over the top imagery and design and crafting of the story. Similar to Jennifer.
Really I'll put some examples that speaks for themselves, if you like this and you don't follow her yet. You are missing from the best content you can find over here.
From Mistress and slave, to the technologist and Bimbos. From the slave perspective to the internal struggle inside the head. Or quickies as well as well planned long stories.

Caitlyn enjoy the show with great designs and also love to put caps with original imagery.
Even the type of font or where the box will be placed is planned before making the cap.
Every part of the cap is built from scratch everytime and with much care.
Any time a new idea, she got the style, the writing - despite what she says - her internal musings as well as enjoyable discussions. That and much more you'll find it in there
I hope you have enjoyed this "little" fun ride and I cannot think why you shouldn't be following already all of these blogs. C'mon!
Happy holidays everyone!
Hugs and Kisses Alectra