13 Jul 2013

When stuff happens, it happens..

Okay gals, this an informing you type of post, so if you can hold on a while longer, you'll see new content. Probably tomorrow or sooner. I have some ideas already brewing in my head. If that's the hot for you, so anyway... To the important matter.

I apologize for not updating and not telling you why in awhile, but this has a serious response on my part. I feel terrible and I wanted to express it sooner but alas I couldn't. So here we go... *sigh*

My first cousin (which is my dad cousin, sort of a political cousin, I don't know how it goes the system in the rest of the world, can anyone enlight me on that matter?) Died from cancer (a metastatic disease which led to a huge multiorgan failure. REALLY terrible) some weeks ago, and I was really shocked. I mean he was 46 years old. DAMN It was a huge loss, I was really bonded to him and so was my father. So forgive me, I wasn't up "for playing the role" nor anything.. This also for those that are awaiting me in Rachel's Haven because I know I hasn't been active in awhile.

Another reason which is less important is the hot. There has been some really hot days and I wasn't able to put the computer enough time nor the laptop, not even so start up the program to do captions or even advance the game I have planned for RAGS, because it needs many resources and adds to the overall heat of the computer...

Also I wasn't called back for the training course, so it's kind of on hold. Don't know.

Anyway, I've seen people have liked the Raffside stunt, so I'll remember that in the future and play a bit more with this. You'll see.

Thank you for your understanding.

P.S: I know, I know I gave an ETA on when I would post again, but I'm working on something big to make up for all these days. A big story is coming!


  1. Hay Life always comes first. Losing someone close to you can really screw you up. Lost my wife 3 years ago and I'm still screwed up. We will wait for you. >:)

    1. Thank you Loki :)

      Hugs and Kisses Alectra

  2. Sorry about the loss, prayers to you and your family, love.

    1. Thank you Annabelle :)

      Hugs and Kisses Alectra


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