22 Feb 2013

Time for some fixings (updating the blog)

Howdy gals, sorry for the absence!

Today and tomorrow I'll be updating the overwiew of the blog and some features will dissapear while others will change of place. Background, colours schemes, everything will be changed soon. So don't worry if you happen to see some stuff not supposed to appear in anywhere hehe. 

Also yes, later, much later I'll change the banner. So without further ado, I'm going to work on it.

It's incredible what you can find on the net these days: A latex worker!

Update: The background it's not supposed to be like that, I'm creating it. So don't panic!
Update 2: Okay, done for now. You tell me what you think. Hard to read? Too busy? Looks great? Not? Whatever comes to mind!

Hugs and Kisses Alectra

14 Feb 2013

Valenswine (because Valentine's day is so overrated)

Howdy gals, and well met new followers or newcomers, acolytes? Maybe? Forgot your place and stranded people... Are you paying attenttion at all? hehe. Nevermind, just kidding a bit. Yes I'm happy today, because I finished my exams, we cannot say with flying colours, because I had two subjects from last year, but anyway the important part is to pass on them. I hope so.

Today I bring you the already promised caption for Valenswine. I won't do a Valentine's because this one is more fun and because you are here, I'm here, and we all are here. Remember? Okay, let's get into the fun part. I thought it would fun to throw into a quickie for this one and let you all readers develop in how the volunteer... victi... errrrr guy fell into this situtation. Enjoy!

If you are counting, we are 10 post ahead to the 200th post. And if you already know what happened at 100th post. Well Let's say this will be much, much, much more bigger. So probably there will a whole month without updates, but it will be worth I assure you!

Also I'll try to change the header - finally - this weekend and some stuff here and there. 

Hugs and Kisses Alectra

7 Feb 2013

The Mansion of Lust (A Rags adventure) (Released)

Howdy gals, don't drool much yet. I'm releasing it now in order to have more voices talking and bitching, not really, about the game and whatsnot. I'm thinking about putting it on TFGamesites and Hypnopics Collective Forum, but much later on. 

I prefer to be aware that people won't come here bitching much about what I do, hehe, no just kidding. It's probably obvious that there are better games than mine and I have not much experience in RAGS, so I'm probably doing a mistake on releasing it right now, but whatever I think I will learn something of this.

First I would like to give a big thank you to MDQP which is a great game creator which has Blanked, Through hard earned trust - it's actually a name, yeah - and The Tales of the Drunken Cowboy story. 

My game has been inspired by his games but also Rough Landing and Bodywerks too. Those are pretty huge names and games, don't expect it mine to be as nearly as perfect as those.

The mansion of Lust

Go to that link, leave a comment if you want and there you'll find the game ready to download.

Have fun

I'm also reminding you bloggers out there that there are 6 days yet to participate in your blogs on the Valenswine caption day. 

Mistress Day

Hugs and Kisses Alectra

4 Feb 2013

Mistress Day (Also Called Valenswine's Day)

Howdy gals, I skipped some study time to come up with this funny idea. This for the captioneers out there who want to join the fun.

So I found that there is a "special day" before Valentine's day, it's called Mistress Day, which is used for those that cheat on their wives... But let's forget about those, let's get more sexy. So I had this idea that we could post something about a Mistress Day all across the captioneer world. What do you think?

Mistress Day, February 13th

Is the February 13th, also in China is on March, but whatever let's get down with this one.

Let's get your pens, plumes, keyboards, hands ready and start to write a nice or naughty story or both. Its your call!

Hugs and Kisses Alectra

3 Feb 2013

The Haven Quaterly III (The Attack of The Symbiote Queen) Re - Launch

Howdy gals, I dunno if you seen it this before, if you don't. Well today is your lucky day. A whole year has passed since I made this caption for the Haven Quaterly and since I consider it to be from the new line of work I produce it will be posted here - I had a previous one for the second Issue alas I cannot find it in my hard drive sorry - 

The Attack of the Symbiote Queen: Issue #3

The story may seems silly but then again Symbiote appearing in our planet is silly too! Is a lovely excuse to read a great corruption symbiote story though. I have to say this was lovely proofreaded from ShySteffie, so thanks Steffie.

Enjoy. The next year I'll release one of the captions I've made for Issue #4

In other news I have been asked to redone the older captions I've posted here into the new style. I'm not against it, but it seems much work and I have to be sure you will like it. In the end is like making the same caption but with another format - and possibly with better grammar! -

What do you think?

Hugs and Kisses Alectra

P.S: I wanted to do a caption for Issue 5# but I ran out of time, so until the next one, sorry.

1 Feb 2013

A Lesson in Corruption

Howdy gals, I'm not yet able to make the header, but don't worry. I just had this little time to make a caption, that formed itself from the situation going on in my country.

For you see, corruption is spreading everywhere in my country and the whole country is a turmoil, - I will only say that we would love right now to have the Impeachment figure as we don't have that. So you can start making a guess - as I stated in my tumblr, if you want to look at it, go ahead, you are free to go and watch it. So in order to vent out some stress and impotence I decided to funnel that rage into this. I won't mind if you don't like it or not this time because is coming from a "day of rage" today and I had to do something as I said. 

I'll come back in two weeks or so to reorganize the blog and keep and try to do regular updates, will see about that.

Hugs and Kisses Alectra
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