31 Jul 2011

Note of appreciation and a new perilous gal in town (For my friends)

Hi gals I don't normally post anything in Sundays and today is no exception but for telling you about a new gal in town ^-^

She is Victoria Hyde and you can find her in herehttp://codexofcorruption.tumblr.com/

Which by the way Victoria you need to click on my followers list and be one so I can add you in my friend list "giggle" ;)

She's the kinda girl that you know is dangerous but that you would love to get dangerously intertwined in your arms...

I know I would ^-^

And according to blogger track visitors I have officially 509.768 where I stopped counting that counting them with hi-stats count since a month ago makes a total count of +700.00 visits ^-^
Thank you people ^-^
And ouh 148 followers nice!

I have learnt a lot from my regulars commenters, the ocasional commenter, the first time commenter, the people with I get in contact through mail (to shy to comment in here ;) ) and the ocasional reviewer of my works...
I had made many friends and we are almost close to get to the year since I started this blog of mine, lots of friends, lot of followers but what's more important a lot fo growth both personally and artistically speaking... Of course thanks to you visitor who takes the time to at least take a look if not in a daily manner in a weekly one, but especially to my friend's supports. Thank you gals ^-^

And a pity you can't see me because I'm big time blushing in here "giggle"

My friends already know this and maybe you too if you keep following my blog, but, my real interest on making such  a thing on writing TG stories or the ocasional sex erotical story (not porn, well not looking for it :p ) is to be a better writer (nothing like something that get your juices flowing in more than one way  "giggle"). The unexpected came when I realized that this is not the only part but for me to be a better person and get in touch with another kind of community which shares my interests and often most of them are like me but in other occasions wants to take that fantasy into reality ^-^. That's making me realize that I'm not alone in my "wicked" fantasy.

With friends or people who I consider a friend and not in a particular order...

Like Silvia, Jennifer, Evie, Sedra, Kara, Alexia, Isobelle, Terri, Dee, Simone, Nadine, Caitlyn.

And of course some new ones like Stephanie, Candi Came, Sp, Emily Hyde and Victoria Hyde ^-^ 

All of them have supported me in one way or another, whether on helping making a better artist of me, spelling and grammar (english is sometimes a bitch "giggle"), personally too, a shoulder to cry on, my achievements, my problems, my thoughts, my past, my present and future. Whether on chatting daily or by messaging... whatever mean helps me really ^-^.

And you can be sure that even if my style keep changings due to my "perfectionist nature", my essence won't that the only thing I can assure you off ^-^

The reason I make caps is because I like to look into the Erotica nature and blend it around cratfully if possible into something better through a story or a fictional story.

I may not be the best while making stories or caps, but, I try to make them in a way that you can actually identify them from other (This in an Alectra cap ^-^)

I may not be especially verbose or make sense while expressing myself (I'm such an oddball "giggle")

But my intention is not to surpass other, if you think that way its okay with me, but I just do this for fun ^-^
And to tell you the truth Simone's blog have become in a great source of inspiration for me and my caps skills

So why latex? well because is shiny duh! "giggle". Not the real reason but close, I think I like latex because is like a second skin is like being naked but clothed at the same time and for me is the most Erotic object I can think of. Specially when it comes to stockings or gloves ^-^
Even if Latex is used as porn material, for me its not like that ^-^

I'm happy being a boy, but, Alectra lets me explore my wild side, she is stubborn, she is dominant, she is powerful, she is something really wicked and lovely at the same time, she is sometimes a hard bitch... She has grown to be a part of me an important one... She is my strenght, she is my inner force made into "reality". I know many of you wants that to be true and I'm okay with you gals out there ^-^
But as I said for me is just a game, a roleplay, a form of expressing myself without being shy (which I'm most of the time really, I have written many things that makes me blush right now "giggle")...

Ok enough is enough, many of you (hopefully not) are saying, I'm okay with that but where are my treats of today heh heh heh...

They will come don't suffer...Just one thing... Don't you ever stop your mistress when she is talking!... "sigh" Okay. ^-^

Enough of my ramblings Thank you gals ^-^

Ouh and since my community keeps growing in my country.

Gracias a tod@s por seguirme y apoyarme. Un beso

Hugs and Kisses Alectra

I just need to take a rest, but, I will come with renewed strenghts...

29 Jul 2011

A mistress always knows the best for you

Hi gals another update for today ^-^

This time comes from the Haven a cap that I think is soooooo good that I wanted to share with the rest of you


Piped in for good/for lust

Hi Gals just when I think I have an enough productive month, I get proven wrong ^-^

Today Evie wanted to make something for me (Which I'm starting to believe is always, but hey I cannot deny the love around for her works ^-^)


Anyway here's the cap from today...


Now I need a rest "giggle"

P.S: Just for fun you can know address me as Alectra Hyde "giggle"

28 Jul 2011

My Dark Twisted Reality (For Victoria Hyde)

Hello gals, it seems we have a new gal coming out of the shadows and since she loves my blog...

Well this one is for you babe!

"Pooofff" Changes (For Terri)

Hi gals experimenting a bit more with what shall be soon my new style ^-^

I came with this somewhat pretty stuffed caption with a hint of darkness "giggle"... Cuz is indeed a nightmare being trapped in a pink stuffed room without knowing why are you there, no matter how bright pink is there ^-^


P.S: Introducing a new label MC (Mind Control)

27 Jul 2011

What shall it be next?

Hi gals I'm updating you of what shall it be next ^-^

- Another story with a Witch trying to take control over her victim and...not telling more
 - On a side note: I'm starting to write stories that will not reach here for now... I have now an account in Fictionmania. So expect to see some dirty stories once in a while there ^-^
The reviews from there surely will let me be a better writer and so you know what's the meaning of that...You guessed it right, better stories...betters caps. ^-^

-Request from formspring:
- A cap story of the mentioned above but with less wording and more "direct hotness" "giggle"
     -A preview (Oooooooh teasers, now that's evil ^-^)

P.S: Over the first sentence I noticed that I wrote "were" then my corrector changed it to "was" in spanish is correct to say was and were as the same given that a couple in the meaning means unity... but if that's will bug you I will change it ^-^

Other typos will be severely punished as soon as I discover them don't worry after is just a preview... Uhmmm today I'm a bit more bitchy than usual "giggle"

- A time machine project going quite wrong, hopefully with many, many, many unwanted situations...

- Those two "pesky" mischievous and nice girls getting their reward/punishment ^-^
  - Open for suggestions and desires ^-^

I know you both likes to kneel down in front of my magnificence but thats means you are my babes and so I consider both of you worthy of getting rewards once in a while!

- Updating you on the next chapter of the Dark Veil: 2 pages already written and we shall know what happened in the planet where Thomas is trapped albeit in the form of female against his will.
-Another update: Installed a feature to keep track of what you may like if you actually liked this post ^-^

-Other promised caps...those persons knows who are!

On the coming future:

- The sex Tales chapter 2 (A tale of submission that will make you blush!)
- More formspring galore! (Trying to closing it down "fer" sure!) Wufoo is your friend now gals
- More spanish caps! (Hard to say being spanish I cannot for the life of me write anything sexual in spanish "cock", "pussy", "crotch" sounds much more dirtier in spanish "giggle")
- Symbiote caps (bigger audience noted!)
- Werewomans caps! growls and bitchers going here soon!
- Much more comics! (I left them when they were starting to get actually good!)
- Who knows!
-Got a model you are dying to be/ see in a cap? Let me know through a comment!
- Oh forgot to say that next time I post a guest cap the person who made it for me shall get the credit and In my most "innocent" try I shall expand the story from there ^-^
And for the havenites that visit my "humble" place (really you think you are humble?, your corridors are crumbling now because of saying such a word mistress "giggle") caps to them whether tomorrow, in a week or before!

I may look a bit petulant but once you start to know me I'm the sweetheart you were looking for Isn't that right my faithfuls servants?

As always I ask you to comment on what you like and whats not so far ^-^
I know a bit of "roleplay writing" makes you shiver!

Super P.S "giggle" : I'm not fond of religions and many of my friends knows that I'm an Atheist but my question is... Does someone will feel offended if I put a "latex nun" pic or include it as some sort of unholy story of a dark wicked goddess or whatever? "giggle"

Now before someone tells me that I will repent in hell or whatever I'm not attacking anyone just asking politely If someone would actually feel bad because of that...

Just because I don't give it too much thought to it and see it as another pic to use, I have morals okay but that doesn't fall into my politely morals ^-^

Comment on it If you feel I should or should not ^-^
Attention: If you try to bring the religion stuff to make a comment then it will be deleted...
I need reasonable comments, not some excerpts from the Bible ^-^ (Which I've read and probably it will differ from yours, cuz I'm from another country or if you are from my country, we both now the contents)
Thank you!

26 Jul 2011

Updating the blog (With a reward or it's a punishment what you are looking for?)

Nothing new today sorry gals I've some problems that have to be deal with in real life so for now...

I'm only introducing the Top Commentators feature, in order of being proud to be: 

I'm  the Gal ruling the top here "giggle" ^-^

And the recent comments list too in order that you too will be able to watch comments directly instead of looking or searching for them...Yes these means that you can go and spend your times looking at "oldies" caps from here and leave your opinion on them, I love to backtrack and look at the past works too ^-^

So this goes over here and that goes over there... There all set... Someone desires now a reward for being in the top?

Yep I'm looking at you both Jennifer and Evie free caps for you both later ^-^ You rock babes!

P.S: Maybe I'm fooling you and you will actually see something very soon "giggle"

I will accept any suggestions to make new caps, only condition is that you cannot change the spirit of this blog, as long as is related to leather, dom, sub, a little of bondage, strapon play, transformation, latex, rubber, pvc, lingerie, gloves, bimbo, naked bodies, emo girls, high heels, maids, fantasy, possessions, strippers endings, sci-fi, anime, cute and funny caps(not everything have to be about sex :3) and not extreme (scat, any weird sceneplay, smoking, humilliaton, forced rape, petting (strapon girl doing a boy), cum-shotta(bukkake) lets hold this place nice and clean ok :3 etc) no shemales either ^-^  i will make caps for anyone accepting this...

No more than two caps request from requester thanks.  : 3

25 Jul 2011

Yahoo! with cherry on top (Raffside version)

Hey ho! gals today the super lovely and adorable and naughty Raffside is here to take da' control of the situation... "giggle" today I bring you a supa' hot cap for my sexy babe friend Evie...

Like enjoying it would be fun for you an' stuff "giggle"

Hope you enjoyed it every drop of it Blondie pal tee hee ^_^

Travel into the mist (Short Story made into a cap)

Hey ho! gals today I bring new material, nothing like you seen before from me...It's because of my perfectionist nature thats drives me to make better caps, whether in my grammar getting better or the layout of the cap.

For this and some other causes not telling because it will bloody boring "giggle" I present you:

Travel into the mist...


Update: Another Version In Horizontal...

Ouh and if you happen to love the new layout let me know and I shall try to give you more content following this pattern ^-^

Otherwise I will keep with the old style, I know there are some typos those shall be corrected in a jiff, I just noticed them "giggle" (Corrected that little problem ^-^)

P.S : Introducing a new label YAY!

Era se que se era (Spanish Cap)

Hola Gente hoy os traigo un cap siguiendo el estilo de lo que nos "diferencia" a los escritores españoles del resto del mundo ^-^

He tratado de seguir la prosa antigua cuando estaba escrita con mezcla de prosa y verso espero que les guste :)

Y como no tenía mas espacio pues les pongo un final que la verdad tampoco hacia falta pero le da ese toque mágico ^-^

"Que los sueños no eran tales y que los sueños en realidades se convierten".

Sip la verdad es que me encanta leer de vez en cuando literatura antigua y el mundo de los sueños me atrae enormemente de ahí que sea un recurrente en este mi blog ^-^; Mis caps siempre van un poco mas allá del oh mira te has convertido (bueno algunas veces si ;) pero poco a poco estoy madurando en eso, sino miren la "pedazo de ficción" que les he escrito )
Ah que por cierto sigo escribiendo la primera parte de The Dark Veil, tengan en cuenta que la inspiración va y viene así que solo tengo 2 páginas pero mas o menos les aseguro que las paginas serán un máximo de 7 u 8 por capitulo ^-^

Calderón de la Barca se estará removiendo en su tumba pero bueee jejeje

P.S: Like always if someones believes that he/she needs to read this in english, let me know and I'll put a translation ^-^

24 Jul 2011

Request Time: Science Breakthrought

Hiya! there gals ^-^. Today I bring you the so long awaited request, sorry about that but, life is much more important than this "giggle".

Anyway here's the question from an anonymous requester:

could make a series of caps with a gender changing and mind changing symbiote

I just have to say first that I love the symbiote changing your body idea and In fact you don't see many of these kinds of caps, which leaves me to the option of doing them ^-^

I hope this is what you expected anonymous!

And for the rest of you gals enjoy "giggle"

I will accept any suggestions to make new caps, only condition is that you cannot change the spirit of this blog, as long as is related to leather, dom, sub, a little of bondage, strapon play, transformation, latex, rubber, pvc, lingerie, gloves, bimbo, naked bodies, emo girls, high heels, maids, possessions, strippers endings, sci-fi, anime, cute and funny caps(not everything have to be about sex :3) and not extreme (scat, any weird sceneplay, smoking, humilliaton, forced rape, petting (strapon girl doing a boy), cum-shotta(bukkake) lets hold this place nice and clean ok :3 etc) no shemales either ^-^  i will make caps for anyone accepting this...
No more than two caps request from requester thanks.  : 3

16 Jul 2011

The Haven Ezine

Hi gals today I bring you good news from the Haven, if you are interested keep reading...

If you want to get your hands on one, you only have to donate 10$ to Rachel's Haven, think not of only for making a good deed but for obtain like a ton of caps inside, stories, funny illustrations and more, but of course this will be only if you get one for you, plus Smitty from the Haven and that also happen to have a blog have offered himself to make a cap to the first 50 donations (if you happen to be a member, if not well i'm sure something can be worked out)
 What are you doing you are not getting ready to get yours today? ^-^

And here is an excerpt from Playin Petra one of the members from Rachel's Haven

Hot off the presses is the premiere issue of the Haven Quarterly. This is an exclusive electronic magazine created and designed by many of your favorite Haven contributors. You can have your own copy of this zine for a simple $10 donation to the Haven. Just click the PayPal link on the left side of every page or send a $10 bill to the HavenPO Box and you'll get information on how to download the PDF. Be sure to include your Haven username or an email address when you donate so that we know how to contact you about your download.

15 Jul 2011

Mi nuevo trabajo en la agencia de modelos

Como Nicole fue la primera interesada en leer caps en español, esto me lleva a tener que empezar a hacer alguna que otro cap en mi idioma y como ya tenia uno hecho en Rachel Haven pues aquí lo tienes chata :p
Yo lo intento escribir todo en ingles porque así llega a mas gente y la verdad que hay mucho español que no tiene ningún problema con el ingles, a pesar de lo que diga la tele jejeje, pero aún si me comprometo a escribir de vez en cuando algun cap exclusivo en español :)

I'm sorry for the english community but if someone believes that he/she deserves to read this in english I will post later a translation ^-^

Evie's Awakening (The Dark Veil)

And here's a treat to a special friend of mine too, Evie had become a supporter from the start to my launch into the fiction world and so she deserved something nice happening to her, this one is for you babe!

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