27 Jul 2011

What shall it be next?

Hi gals I'm updating you of what shall it be next ^-^

- Another story with a Witch trying to take control over her victim and...not telling more
 - On a side note: I'm starting to write stories that will not reach here for now... I have now an account in Fictionmania. So expect to see some dirty stories once in a while there ^-^
The reviews from there surely will let me be a better writer and so you know what's the meaning of that...You guessed it right, better stories...betters caps. ^-^

-Request from formspring:
- A cap story of the mentioned above but with less wording and more "direct hotness" "giggle"
     -A preview (Oooooooh teasers, now that's evil ^-^)

P.S: Over the first sentence I noticed that I wrote "were" then my corrector changed it to "was" in spanish is correct to say was and were as the same given that a couple in the meaning means unity... but if that's will bug you I will change it ^-^

Other typos will be severely punished as soon as I discover them don't worry after is just a preview... Uhmmm today I'm a bit more bitchy than usual "giggle"

- A time machine project going quite wrong, hopefully with many, many, many unwanted situations...

- Those two "pesky" mischievous and nice girls getting their reward/punishment ^-^
  - Open for suggestions and desires ^-^

I know you both likes to kneel down in front of my magnificence but thats means you are my babes and so I consider both of you worthy of getting rewards once in a while!

- Updating you on the next chapter of the Dark Veil: 2 pages already written and we shall know what happened in the planet where Thomas is trapped albeit in the form of female against his will.
-Another update: Installed a feature to keep track of what you may like if you actually liked this post ^-^

-Other promised caps...those persons knows who are!

On the coming future:

- The sex Tales chapter 2 (A tale of submission that will make you blush!)
- More formspring galore! (Trying to closing it down "fer" sure!) Wufoo is your friend now gals
- More spanish caps! (Hard to say being spanish I cannot for the life of me write anything sexual in spanish "cock", "pussy", "crotch" sounds much more dirtier in spanish "giggle")
- Symbiote caps (bigger audience noted!)
- Werewomans caps! growls and bitchers going here soon!
- Much more comics! (I left them when they were starting to get actually good!)
- Who knows!
-Got a model you are dying to be/ see in a cap? Let me know through a comment!
- Oh forgot to say that next time I post a guest cap the person who made it for me shall get the credit and In my most "innocent" try I shall expand the story from there ^-^
And for the havenites that visit my "humble" place (really you think you are humble?, your corridors are crumbling now because of saying such a word mistress "giggle") caps to them whether tomorrow, in a week or before!

I may look a bit petulant but once you start to know me I'm the sweetheart you were looking for Isn't that right my faithfuls servants?

As always I ask you to comment on what you like and whats not so far ^-^
I know a bit of "roleplay writing" makes you shiver!

Super P.S "giggle" : I'm not fond of religions and many of my friends knows that I'm an Atheist but my question is... Does someone will feel offended if I put a "latex nun" pic or include it as some sort of unholy story of a dark wicked goddess or whatever? "giggle"

Now before someone tells me that I will repent in hell or whatever I'm not attacking anyone just asking politely If someone would actually feel bad because of that...

Just because I don't give it too much thought to it and see it as another pic to use, I have morals okay but that doesn't fall into my politely morals ^-^

Comment on it If you feel I should or should not ^-^
Attention: If you try to bring the religion stuff to make a comment then it will be deleted...
I need reasonable comments, not some excerpts from the Bible ^-^ (Which I've read and probably it will differ from yours, cuz I'm from another country or if you are from my country, we both now the contents)
Thank you!


  1. Well querida, can't wait for your werewoman caps..You've got a personal touch in it that i really love...Slut moon rising *giggle*

    About your question of "Latex nuns" or Unholy idols, well i'll surely won't be offended, but very pleased istead. Religions offers a very nice plot for darker caps.
    And after all: Isn't yoyr name (Alectra) coming from Greek Mythology? It was a sort of religion too..*giggle*
    A great kiss of encouragment for your forthcoming productions..i'll bet they'll be darker as you.
    Better leave now, or i'll may find yor leather leash wrapped at my slender neck...*Teehee*

    Xoxoxo E.

  2. wow great update hun :) still love your work

  3. Ciao Emily!

    No It wasn't "giggle". It was but a bunch of stories crumbled into a society without nothing to do but to talk on the weather and life ^-^
    Socrates believed that the rest of their greeks pals were a bunch of fools praying to a rock or to the clouds waiting for an answer of an ultimately and mighty god! heh the first agnostic with some sense in his head "giggle"

    Oh ho! Werewomans coming soon then ^-^

    Don't worry about the whips cracks you will enjoy them in the end "giggle" ^-^

    If you have the time go check some of my works around here, don't stray so much though you may find yourself craving for more ^-^

    Hugs and Kisses Alectra

  4. Mmh very nice querida...i like people with a huge personal cultural luggage. *giggle*
    I've put my brain to work to create a series worthy of you...dunno how much it will require but who knows, it could be ready soon.

    Sure, i'll take a journey into this delicious maze...but don't chant victory too soon:
    Your whips must be able to catch me before you could enjoy my tender flesh...teehee!

    See you soon

    Xoxoxo E.

  5. Looks like you have a ton of stuff on your plate! Story's, caps, rewards, requests, questions, woo! busy girl. ^_^

    And I mostly stay away from realigious themed caps, but I'm not going to say you can't do it and post it up. It just brings me out of the cap and I can't enjoy it.

  6. Jennifer I'm not saying I'm going to post something about religions, it just using latex nun pics they don't even have anything religious themed if not for the attire they are wearing ^-^
    Hugs and Kisses Alectra


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